
It seems that these creatures are responsible for the deaths of a large number of stalkers. Few of those who have seen one were lucky enough to survive the encounter and according to them bloodsuckers prefer damp places around marshes and subterranean areas.

Mutagenic processes engendered by radiation and anomalies have played a significant part in shaping these mammals: they have lost all fur in places and grown long, bristly fur in others.

Able to control zombies at distance, forcing them to attack s.t.a.l.k.e.r.s. Prefers to move in a way so as to constantly keep the enemy in sight, thus climbing hills, roofs and trees.

It seems that these creatures were humans but it is hard to imagine what conditions could bring human to such state.

Pseudodogs are very enduring and can follow the runaways for a long time.
They possess a perfect sense of hearing and smell.