18 November 2009S.T.A.L.K.E.R fue un auténtico soplo de aire fresco para el FPS, un juego diferente con un desarrollo complejo y una de las mejores ambientaciones que se han podido ver en un videojuego en mucho tiempo. El equipo no pudo cumplir con los enormes y variados objetivos que se propusieron, pero el resultado acabó siendo un título que brillaba con luz propia, capaz de cautivar al jugador gracias a esos enormes espacios al aire libre, inspirados y capturados a partir del territorio que rodea a la central nuclear de Chernobyl.

18 November 2009Estábamos ansiosos por ver qué daría de si el nuevo capítulo de S.T.A.L.K.E.R., camuflado de expansión independiente, y GSC Game World nos ha brindado la oportunidad de probarlo en profundidad. Call of Pripyat ofrece exactamente lo que esperábamos: Un más y mejor de la fórmula S.T.A.L.K.E.R. que será más que bienvenido entre los aficionados.

18 November 2009But S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (let's dispense with the punctuation) is also a very special game. Modern shooters tend to be tightly packed, linear expeditions that force the player's hand through dramatic pre-scripted events. STALKER does not: it relies on its expansive maps to provide atmosphere, and trusts its complex AI system to hand out spectacle. In one legendary instance I found myself informed of an imminent Blowout - a radioactive anomaly that lights the sky red and causes fatal damage to anyone unlucky enough to be outside and needing shelter.

IGN S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat Hands-On
18 November 2009At this point I wandered around the area, taking in the sights and sounds, and found the feel of the Stalker world is just as distinct and immersive as ever. Eerie strings pulsed slowly on the soundtrack lending an X-Files vibe to the world, dogs barked off in the distance, and other chirps and moans of ambience were more difficult to identify, but still contributed to a stronger, more believable tone. I also had to duck out of the way of a few emissions -- giant energy pulses that instantly kill anyone caught out in the open.

Interview on RockPaperShotgun
27 May 2009Fresh interview with Oleg Yavorsky, PR Director for GSC Game World, about upcoming survival FPS "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat" has been posted on
Firstly, we picked the best-liked features from SoC and CS games to preserve them in Call of Pripyat. Secondly, we added a number of touches to make the world and its atmosphere more believable. Hence, day and night cycles will affect the behaviour of both monsters and NPCs: monsters will be more active and go hunting prey at night, while NPCs will try to find shelter and return to bases after seeking artifact and day-patrolling as night descends.